Plugin Overview: The 3 Sentence Service plugin is a versatile tool that lets you manage a list of services, each defined by three sentences: input, action, and output. You can add, remove, view, invoke, and list these services, offering a flexible way to create and manage custom tasks.
Functions & Parameters:
: Adds a new service. Parameters includename
, andexample_request_template
: Removes a service. The only parameter isservice_name
: Views a service. The only parameter isservice_name
: Lists all services. This function doesn’t require any parameters.invokeService
: Invokes a specific service with a given payload. Parameters includeservice_name
Basic Usage: “Please add a new service that takes a text input, reverses it, and outputs the reversed text.”
Benefits: This plugin can help automate repetitive tasks or complex actions. For instance, you could create a service that takes a date as input and returns the day of the week, saving you the trouble of looking it up manually.
Advanced Usage:
- “Create a service that takes a list of numbers, calculates the average, and outputs the result.”
- “Invoke the service that reverses text with the payload ‘Hello, world!’.”
- “Remove the service that calculates the average of a list of numbers.”
Creative Usage:
- “Create a service that takes a joke as input, replaces all instances of ‘why’ with ‘how’, and outputs the result.”
- “Invoke the service that reverses text with the payload ‘A man, a plan, a canal, Panama’.”
- “Remove the service that replaces ‘why’ with ‘how’ in a joke.”
Multi-Step Usage: The plugin can handle multi-step prompts. Here are three examples:
- “Add a service that takes a URL as input, uses the Link Reader plugin to read the content, and outputs the result. Then, invoke this service with the URL of a news article.”
- “Create a service that takes a question as input, uses the Wolfram Alpha plugin to find the answer, and outputs the result. Then, invoke this service with a complex math problem.”
- “Add a service that takes a text as input, uses the Speechki plugin to convert it to audio, and outputs the link. Then, invoke this service with a chapter from a book.”