3 Sentence Service ChatGPT Plugin

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Plugin Overview: The 3 Sentence Service plugin is a versatile tool that lets you manage a list of services, each defined by three sentences: input, action, and output. You can add, remove, view, invoke, and list these services, offering a flexible way to create and manage custom tasks.

Three Sentence Service ChatGPT Plugin

Functions & Parameters:

  1. addService: Adds a new service. Parameters include name, input, action, output, example_response_template, and example_request_template.
  2. removeService: Removes a service. The only parameter is service_name.
  3. viewService: Views a service. The only parameter is service_name.
  4. listServices: Lists all services. This function doesn’t require any parameters.
  5. invokeService: Invokes a specific service with a given payload. Parameters include service_name and payload.

Basic Usage: “Please add a new service that takes a text input, reverses it, and outputs the reversed text.”

Benefits: This plugin can help automate repetitive tasks or complex actions. For instance, you could create a service that takes a date as input and returns the day of the week, saving you the trouble of looking it up manually.

Advanced Usage:

  1. “Create a service that takes a list of numbers, calculates the average, and outputs the result.”
  2. “Invoke the service that reverses text with the payload ‘Hello, world!’.”
  3. “Remove the service that calculates the average of a list of numbers.”

Creative Usage:

  1. “Create a service that takes a joke as input, replaces all instances of ‘why’ with ‘how’, and outputs the result.”
  2. “Invoke the service that reverses text with the payload ‘A man, a plan, a canal, Panama’.”
  3. “Remove the service that replaces ‘why’ with ‘how’ in a joke.”

Multi-Step Usage: The plugin can handle multi-step prompts. Here are three examples:

  1. “Add a service that takes a URL as input, uses the Link Reader plugin to read the content, and outputs the result. Then, invoke this service with the URL of a news article.”
  2. “Create a service that takes a question as input, uses the Wolfram Alpha plugin to find the answer, and outputs the result. Then, invoke this service with a complex math problem.”
  3. “Add a service that takes a text as input, uses the Speechki plugin to convert it to audio, and outputs the link. Then, invoke this service with a chapter from a book.”

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