ChatGPT Plugin Overview ChatGPT Plugin


The ChatGPT plugin is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of finding and acquiring startups. It allows users to search for startups based on various criteria and retrieve detailed information about each one. Enhance your startup acquisition experience with the plugin.

Functions & Parameters

The plugin offers two main functions:

  1. searchStartups: This function allows users to search for startups based on a variety of filters. The parameters for this function include:
  • location: The location of the startup.
  • startup_type: The type of startup, such as “saas”, “ecommerce”, “mobile”, “shopify_app”, “other”, “crypto”, “agency”, “marketplace”.
  • min_price and max_price: The minimum and maximum asking price of the startup.
  • min_revenue and max_revenue: The minimum and maximum total revenue the startup generates.
  • tech_stack: The tech stack this startup uses.
  • description: A generic description of what the startup focuses on.
  • limit: The total number of startups to return.
  1. showStartup: This function retrieves detailed information about a specific startup. The only parameter for this function is:
  • startup_id: The unique ID of the startup.

Basic Usage

A simple prompt to use the plugin could be: “Find me two SaaS startups for sale in New York with a maximum price of $1 million.”


This plugin can greatly enhance the user experience by simplifying the process of finding and acquiring startups. It saves time and effort by providing a convenient and efficient way to search for startups based on specific criteria. It also provides detailed information about each startup, helping users make informed decisions.

Man and Woman Near Table
Photo by fauxels on Pexels

Advanced Usage

  1. “Find me five mobile startups for sale in California with a minimum revenue of $500,000 and a maximum price of $2 million. They should use a tech stack that includes Python.”
  2. “Show me detailed information about the startup with the ID ‘12345’.”
  3. “Search for ten ecommerce startups for sale in Europe that focus on sustainable products. Their asking price should not exceed $500,000.”

Creative Usage

  1. “Find me startups for sale that focus on virtual reality technology. I don’t care about the location or the price, but they should generate at least $1 million in revenue.”
  2. “Show me information about the startup with the ID ‘67890’. I’m particularly interested in their tech stack and target market.”
  3. “Search for startups for sale that are involved in the space industry. They should be located in the United States and have a maximum price of $5 million.”

Multi-Step Usage

The plugin can handle multi-step prompts. Here are three examples:

  1. “First, find me three SaaS startups for sale in New York with a maximum price of $1 million. Then, show me detailed information about the startup with the lowest asking price.”
  2. “Search for five mobile startups for sale in California that use a tech stack including Python. Then, show me detailed information about the startup with the highest revenue.”
  3. “Find ten ecommerce startups for sale in Europe that focus on sustainable products. Their asking price should not exceed $500,000. Then, show me detailed information about the startup with the most innovative tech stack.”

The plugin can also be used in combination with other plugins to solve complex problems. For example, it could be used with the web_pilot plugin to visit the websites of the startups found, or with a translation plugin to translate the descriptions of startups located in non-English speaking countries

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Contact Details and Website

You can visit their main website here.

For sellers, offers a simple plan to help you get your business listed and sold with expert support. You can learn more about their plan for sellers here.

For buyers, provides plans that connect you with founders and their startups, helping you pursue an acquisition. You can view their plans for buyers here.

CharGPT Resources/Articles

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